Admission Counselling Conference
At 9 A.M. on 7th July, Anqing Foreign Language School’s 2018 Enrollment consultation conference in the Senior High Department was successfully held in the School Lecture Hall of the east campus. More than 1,000 junior high graduates from middle schools of urban and county areas as well as their parents attended the grand event. The conference was presided over by Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong.
In the first place, the consultation conference introduced the fruitful results of this year’s College Entrance Examination. Then, the new head teachers in Grade 10 demonstrated their respective elegant demeanor. They expressed that they would pay attention to and care for each student to make them form favorable behavioral, learning and living habits.
In the second place, Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli delivered a splendid and emotional speech in which she mentioned that both Anqing Foreign Language School and her teachers had four characteristics: stability, professional ability, competence and responsibility. Therefore, Anqing Foreign Language School was confident to let each child who entered school not only gain excellent scores, but also obtain favorable quality and capacity.
Other than that, our school invited the expert with Modern Education Technology Center of Municipal Education Bureau to interpret relevant issues of application filling for this year’s Senior High School Entrance Examination.
Obviously, the consultation conference enabled students and parents to have a clearer understanding of the relevant policies, regulations and requirements of the entrance exam, which shortened the distance between parents and school in addition to promoting the communication between school and society. Also, the consulting teacher patiently provided detailed answers to questions from parents and students.
To conclude, this enrollment consultation conference let parents understand that the Senior High School Entrance Examination was a significant stage in students’ life and the scores in their senior high school life directly mattered whether they could enter an ideal university, which would influence their future development to some extent. In many parents’ points of view, Anqing Foreign Language School was an amazing choice in that Anqing Foreign Language School had made brilliant achievements by means of her unique teaching style and management mode.